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  • Writer's pictureLaura


Hello! My name is Laura Stall, and I am so excited to be serving as the new president of the Metro D.C. Synodical Women's Organization! I am newly appointed (as of a week or so ago), and ready to move forward with all of you!

So let me introduce myself fully.

I am a 24-year-old graduate student and Administrative Assistant for Mobility and Candidacy at the Metro D.C. Synod. My time with the Synod has opened my eyes to the number of ways in which one can discern their call to service. For some, it can be attending seminary and becoming ordained in some capacity. For others, it’s helping with services as a layperson. For me, it’s been serving as a member of the staff. Nothing has compelled me to serve the church more than seeing other people’s dedication through their participation and presence at conventions and assemblies. I find myself most fulfilled when I am helping organize and manage these events.

One such event that I witnessed was the SWO Acting Boldly Retreat at St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church in Washington, D.C. I provided some help in setting the social area up, and I took pictures and wrote a blog about the event for the Metro D.C. Synod’s website and social media. It was this event that has inspired me to seek the leadership position. I feel that, with the strength of many strong women, we can really work to make a difference in our world.

The ideal I would like to focus on is “Women Supporting Women.” I was struck by the S.O.A.P project from the Acting Boldly retreat—human trafficking is an often-forgotten struggle that many young women face. Something as small as a bar of soap can make the biggest difference. I believe we can take that idea and expand it. We have the power to take small steps to help support other women. When we combine our collective strengths—whether it’s cooking, sewing, writing, STEM skills, or just being present—they can bring some serious change to this world.

I want to start on the ground floor. I want to travel to different churches in our Synod—ones with and without their own SWO chapters. I want to go to each congregation and ask the women, “What can we do for you?” Because every woman should feel supported, served, and safe when they enter this space. If we are present for them, they will be present for us. I want to be present for you.

I am ready for this new experience, and I can't wait to walk with everyone towards a bright future for the Synodical Women's Organization!

Peace and Love!

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